Quick timeline on my game development career track:

  • 2016: Began as graphic designer for 704 Games/Dusenberry Martin Racing on NASCAR Heat
    • Worked as a designer mainly on the car art and paint schemes within the game.
    • I would take existing 2D art created by the teams, place them on our 3D templates and make them work for in-game use. 
    • I also handled some marketing graphics for the team, including social media content and at track activation.
  • 2018: I continued as a graphic designer but was also tasked with approvals and licensing coordination with the teams (and NASCAR)
    • I ensured rosters were accurate to real life counterpart and has little to no unlicensed content.
    • I handled all licensed content approval with each team and licensee within our title.
  • 2019: I was promoted to a game design role where I oversaw feature additions and changes to the next coming title, NASCAR Heat 5
    • I wrote documentation and worked with engineers to implement new features and modes within the game.
  • 2020: I wrote initial design documentation for NASCAR 21: Ignition, as lead designer
    • I wrote a high level overview of the title including different modes, UI wireframe and specifically called out features.
  • 2021: A creative director was hired and continued to polish the design for NASCAR 21: Ignition with him
    • I owned the design of the single player career mode, the custom car paintbooth and specific areas of the menus including stats.
    • I collaborated with our engineers and vehicle dynamics designer on the overall feel of the game.

NASCAR Heat Car Art

NASCAR Heat Features

NASCAR 21: Ignition